Six Things Your Website Should Be In 2019

August 27, 2019

Universally, there are some things every single website should be doing to be effective and best serve users. With the help of our lead designer, Emily, we’ve put together six of the top things your website should be in 2019.

To be the most effective, your website should be…


Ok, maybe not pretty, but it has to look good! It should have an effective mix of photography, graphics, text, color and white space. With a clean and professional design, your site will be received as more reputable.


In 2019, your website has to be mobile-friendly. Up to 70% of web traffic happens on a mobile device. With so many users looking at your site on a smaller device, make sure the design is adaptable for a phone.

Easy to Navigate

Make sure the user can easily find the content they are looking for on your site with minimal clicks. Your menu bar should hold the most relevant pages on the site. Everything should be correctly labeled and easy to understand.


The content on your site should tell a story and call the user to action. Your headlines and body copy need to be concise and informative. The user should leave your website knowing more than they did when they arrived.

Easy to Find

Make sure you take the steps to optimize your site and make it easier for search engines like Google to find your website. Use words and tools to make it onto frequently searched pages for more eyes on your site.

Clearly Driving Conversations

Make it clear what you want the user to do on the site with concise directions. If it’s to provide their email, fill out a form, call your office, register, purchase a product, or something else, make sure they know exactly where and how they can complete the desired action.

Try using these tips to make sure your website is doing the job it needs to do–serving your company and your site’s visitors!