Ahern Seeds Event Microsite

Ahern Seeds delivers seed varieties, technology and crop advice to growers across the globe. As part of our ongoing work with their team, we created a microsite to promote their events and engage their attendees. For all events, we used the branding and theme Ahern Sin LΓ­mites, meaning Ahern without limits, to promote all of the engagement opportunities online.

Expo AgroAlimentaria 2021

This EXPO event was hosted in person and we developed this landing page to bring the experience online. As a result, we had 100+ site visitors sign up for a virtual seminar as part of the event.

Centro Tec Ahern

Centro Tec Ahern (Ahern Tech Center) is a location that showcases Ahern’s products and technology. In early 2022, the center opened for the season and our landing page supported visitors with supplemental information while providing an inside look at the center for those who could not visit.

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