Media Now Bus Promotion Videos

Sometimes you have the perfect idea, but it’s just not quite the right time. We were gearing up for Media Now 2020 (the high school journalism camp we support) over two years ago when a video idea came to mind. To promote the bus transportation available to students, our team popped outside in the cold February weather and piled into a car to record a few videos. A lot of laughs, several takes and a few edits later we had the final cuts ready to share. Then, March 2020 happened and we never got to share the final product.

Fast forward to now, Media Now 2022 is right around the corner. Two years later, our videos have finally been shared on social. And that’s our quick story of what happens when you have the right idea just at the wrong time. Enjoy!

Know any high school students interested in joining us for camp this summer? They can learn more and sign up here.


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