The Stories of Frenchtown

With an inside perspective, we’ve been telling the stories of our own neighborhood, the historic Frenchtown district in St. Charles. After developing the initial branding and website for the neighborhood, we’ve expanded our efforts to tell the stories of our community. With the goal of enhancing economic development in the district, our strategy uses a blog, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to reach and connect with our key audiences.

We developed an overall social media strategy, along with a weekly content calendar to share relevant content regularly, reach current residents of the area, and attract new businesses and residents.


To encourage travel and revitalization in Frenchtown, we update a weekly blog, featuring local news and neighborhood businesses. The goal of the blog is to capture the essence of the community, share local stories and ultimately attract new faces to Frenchtown.


With a whole community to explore, the goal of our Instagram account is to act as a visual story-teller, showcasing what local businesses, residents and community centers are doing. We consistently engage our community by sharing regular content and encouraging interaction using #FrenchtownSTC.


Our Facebook page is the space to house reminders for local events and share our web content. Using the Facebook event feature, we are able to promote events hosted by organizations and attract more people to the neighborhood.


As we explore Frenchtown, we update our Twitter account with what’s happening in the area. Twitter is our go-to resource for sharing local news and happenings in the neighborhood.

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