Your Website is Launched, Now What?

May 10, 2018

For starters, tell someone. And then tell them again. And again.

If you launched your website and didn’t have a promotional plan in place to support it, you’re not alone. A lot of businesses get so focused on the site details that the post-launch plan gets over-looked.

Here are a few ideas on how to crush the post-launch slump.

  • Spread out your announcements. No need to blast all channels at once.
  • Have a message and plan for each social channel that varies the message.
  • Remember that your email list has people that may or may not be following your socials so create a message unique to them about your new look.
  • Vary the message. Sure you can say “check out my new site” and get some traffic, but it helps to add the why. Why should they check out the new site? What new feature(s) did you add? What could they go do or see right now?
  • Have 2 – 3 weeks of content shares and updates set before you launch – that includes blog posts, videos, any content upgrades, promotions or email incentives. The “wow” factor of a new site wears off quickly and you’ll need fresh content to be seen as a place to come back to.
  • Keep an eye on the analytics. If you’re doing a redesign, you can watch the change from the first site design and content to what you have today. Seeing trends or noting where things are working (or not) is key in the first 2- 3 months of a new site design. When people start interacting with your site it can effect where you place items on your home page or how you have your navigation set.
  • Be prepared to make edits. Once a new website is launched and you’re watching the traffic and behavior of your site visitors, you’ll need to be ready for problem-solving on the fly as you see interactions occur.