When Great Results Aren’t Good Enough

November 4, 2020

Two reasons why we dropped one of our biggest clients in the middle of a pandemic and economic scare

We, as humans, deserve to be in relationships where we feel mutually valued and respected for what we bring to the table. I believe this in life and in business. I trust that our clients know their business and I expect them to trust our agency to deliver the creative and strategy needed to grow and reach their goals.

The greatest results come to clients with whom we have great relationships.

Those we go the extra mile for (and the mile after that), not because we have to, but because we want to. These are the ones we stay up late for, get up early for, we drop everything to deliver, we drop our egos for and offer unlimited edits for so we can get it just right.

But what happens with the great results, the extra miles, the late nights and quick turns aren’t enough?

What if the strategy and creative you pour into the client every day are not enough? What happens when you spend more hours defending your monthly report than working on delivering results for the next?

You stop.

Even in the middle of a pandemic and a moment where the economy is uncertain. You stop and evaluate the root of the problem.

Now don’t get us wrong, we enjoy making monthly progress reports and expect to be held accountable for our results. But we know that should only be one part of the work we do.

The reality was, we were never going to be enough for this client. And that was the biggest problem. I had to cut them loose. One of the biggest clients on our roster had to go in the middle of an economic crisis.

It came down to trust and respect.

We can’t do our best work when our recommendations and services aren’t trusted. We can’t hold a functioning relationship without respect.

Our team’s worth was consistently undervalued, so we moved on. We made room for new client relationships where all parties will reach their full potential.

At Fierce, we go all-in for every client. We take every opportunity to exceed expectations. What we ask in return is simple – trust and respect.