What does it mean to work with an agency

March 15, 2018

It means you can focus on your business – your area of expertise, and they can focus on bringing their expertise to the table in the areas you need.

Communication agencies provide a wide range of services:

  • Strategic Communications
  • Graphic Design
  • Advertising Creative
  • Social Media Content & Community Management
  • Website Creative
  • Video Production
  • SEO Strategy
  • Public Relations
  • Media Buys
  • Event Planning & Promotion
  • Animation
  • Email Marketing
  • Internal & External Communications
  • Crisis Communications

Sometimes you can hire one agency for all the things that you need. But as you grow, typically your needs expand too. At those times you’ll find that a combination of agencies, contractors or freelancers is best to help you reach your highest potential.

We at Fierce Creative are a a small shop (less than 8 people), but support a number of clients in a variety of the roles listed above. We also have partnerships with freelancers and other agencies that excel in areas where we are not as equipped. We know our strengths – visual communications, creative content and problem-solving, and complete brand development across communication platforms. We bring in experts to build out our SEO strategy, public relations and high-end video production.

As owner, I believe that to give our best to each client is to give them the best of everything they need – even if that means reaching outside of my immediate team. Solving your problem is my job. Delivering the best possible product and outcome is my commitment to you.

What to ask yourself when finding the right agency partner:

  • Do they listen to you?
  • Do you think you can listen to them?
  • Are they helping you solve your communications or branding problem?
  • Are their skills and areas of expertise in line with your current needs? Future needs?
  • Do they have relevant experience? Ask them specific situation-oriented questions and have them provide examples.
  • Are they helping develop a clear plan to achieve your goals?
  • Are they honest with you – even when you don’t want to hear it?

How to know you’re not ready for an agency:

  • When you get their work you find that you’d rather just re-do the work yourself.
  • You question their recommendations to a point of telling them what to do, or rather, you prefer to just tell them what to do. (If this is the case, you may need an assistant, not an agency.)
  • You have an uneasy feeling that they’re overselling their capabilities.
  • Do you see yourself able listen to their recommendations and trust that together you can work to reach your goals?
  • Do you trust them to give their best, deliver on time and support your needs in a clear and professional manner?

Why Fierce Creative Agency?

We go all-in on the projects, clients and organizations we work with. We give more than asked because we work to achieve the best possible outcome and that’s what is required if you want live this fierce life. When you win, we win.

And let’s face it, we love what we do. We want to create cool stuff all day. And here we get to do that.

We create uniquely beautiful, strategic visual communication pieces every day that impact lives. Ok, so that sounds a bit lofty, but it’s true! In big and small ways, we deliver content that educates people on the importance of cancer screenings, how to be a better employer, how to rehab their furniture, ways to better treat our neighbors and support our education systems, or recipes that save families money and teach them how to live a healthier life. What could be more fulfilling than that?