BPA Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Webinar Series

With the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) taking effect, homeowners across the nation are eligible for tax credits for a variety of efficiency upgrades. The Building Performance Association (BPA) supports the home performance contractors who will be doing this work starting later this year. To equip contractors with the resources and information they need to make sense of the IRA, we helped BPA launch a four-part webinar series for the industry.

The series is free for BPA members and available for purchase for non-members, so we started with two landing pages and unique registration forms for both groups. We got the word out via email, social media, and a Google search ad. At the close of webinar one, we had 190+ signed up for the series and had brought in $4,000+ in revenue from sales and new memberships. Webinar two concluded with 250+ registered.

Series Landing Page

Social Media Graphics

Email Marketing

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