What Strategy Means for your Brand
January 4, 2021
We nerd out over a few things at Fierce, and strategy is one of those things.
Just like playing a strategy board game, you’ll never win if you don’t start with a clear plan and follow that plan all the way to the finish line. Although, in real life, you don’t win as you would during a board game. Instead, your strategy is there to help you meet your goals and grow your business, accomplishing many “wins” along the way.
So what goes into your brand strategy? The short answer – a lot.
We work alongside many brands to help determine their strategy for growth and implement it. Some of the highlights include:
Setting Goals – What does success look like? Specific and realistic goals will help you grow now and for years to come.
Defining Your Audience – Be detailed in describing who your customers are and who you want them to be.
Finding the Right Content – This involves determining what content will best serve your audience and creating that content.
Selecting the Best Channels – Turns out, a company that sells trash cans might not need to be on Instagram. From email marketing and mailers to Facebook and Twitter, all communication should be on the appropriate channels based on your audience.
Determining How Each Channel Will Work for You – As an extension of channel selection, each channel will have a different purpose and strategy of its own.
Measuring Results – It’s time to complete the full circle. When implementing a strategy, one of the most important steps is to look back to your goals and see how your efforts measure up. Unlike board games, even things that end up “losing” can still be a win. Because, at the end of the day, you learned something and you’re onto the next great piece of the strategy.
And that is just a small glimpse into what a brand strategy can look like. We can go on for pages and pages, but we’ll keep the super fine details to ourselves.
If you’re ready to add a dash (or truckload) of strategy to your brand, we’re here and ready to rock ‘n’ roll.